Behavior Plan


Behavior Plan

Classroom Rules


I. Listen when others are talking


II. Follow Directions


III. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


IV. Work quietly and do not disturb others.


V. Show respect for yourself, your school and others.


VI. Work and play in a safe manner.



Definition of Class Rules

I. Listen when others are talking   (no yelling out answers, no personal conversations, focused on speaker)

LIFE SKILLS: Caring, Cooperation, Common Sense, Patience


II. Follow Directions (follow directions in a timely manner, stay on task, listening for class instructions)

LIFE SKILLS: Initiative, Effort, Common Sense, Responsibility


III. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. (hitting, pushing, kicking, poking, and throwing objects are unacceptable behaviors)

LIFE SKILLS: Self-Control, Responsibility, Friendship, Caring


IV. Work quietly and do not disturb others (stay focused, allow others to learn)

LIFE SKILLS: Integrity, Common Sense, Cooperation, Respect


V. Show respect for yourself, yours school and others. (arrive to school on time, complete assignments to the best of your ability, use appropriate words and actions)

LIFE SKILLS: Responsibility, Organization, Effort, Respect


VI. Work and play in a safe manner (no running indoors, use materials wisely, follow the rules of the game)

LIFE SKILLS: Respect, Cooperation, Caring, Patience, Common Sense,

Classroom Behavior Plan

Students are expected to follow class rules, participate, and complete all assignments.  Students are expected to stand on two feet and accept the positive and negative consequences of their actions. 


Consequences for Not Following Class Rules

  1. Receive a reminder of class rules.
  2. Explain to the whole class the importance of the class rules and demonstrate appropriate behavior
  3. Write a letter to parents explaining behavior in class.
  4. Parent/teacher/student meeting will be arranged as soon as possible.
  5. If behavior persists after the above interventions, student will be referred to Principal’s Office.

Letter Home to Parents

I. Listen when others are talking.


II. Follow Directions


III. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


IV. Work quietly and do not disturb others


V. Show respect for yourself, yours school and others.


VI. Work and play in a safe manner



Dear _______________________                              Date__________________


     Today I did not__________________________________________________


As a consequence of my actions, I __________________________________


I think______________________________________________________________


I know_____________________________________________________________






Teacher’s Signature                                                      Parent’s Signature

__________________________                                    ________________________

Please sign and return this letter to school tomorrow.
